Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Animals Are Love

Most everyone has had a pet at some time or another. Many people cherish their animals and treat them as if they were a member of their own family. Taking care of a animal requires a lot of attention and work but the rewards are great and it is something you will never regret doing. If you do not have a pet you may want to consider adopting one from your local animal shelter. They usually have plenty of animals to chose from and they deperately need your help. Even if you cannot adopt a pet you can always give financially to a animal shelter. You might consider giving of your time.

Please, Please, Please before you consider getting a pet take into account the costs and time commitment required to give whatever pet you choose the life that it deserves. I see so many animals abused and neglected it breaks my heart. Of course their are many responsible pets owners. I'm not sure if it's the economy or just the callousness of people in general but I seem to have noticed a upswing in the number of animals not only not getting the proper care and attention that they deserve but being abused. Maybe it just because their are so many of them but dogs seem to be a major source of problems at least in my area. Packs of dogs are allowed to roam free causing problems in the neighborhood. People are actually afraid to go for a walk for fear of being bitten or having their own canine attacked and mauled. I love my dogs. Each of them is unique and brings a special happiness to me which I hope I am able to return to them in some form. But remember not controlling your dog in itself is a form of animal abuse and sets your dog up for harm from those who feel they must control your dog using some form of dog repellent devices which is not good for any dog in general.   

Pets are a part of growing up for most children and it teaches them how to care and love for another living thing. Many people who abuse animals end up being a threat to society later on in there life. Abusing animals is a terrible thing to do and is something which we must all work to put a stop to.

Pets can range from a goldfish to a horse. Each animal has it's own distinct needs and wants and she be taken care of accordingly. Before allowing a child to have a pet try and determine if the child is capable of taking care of the animal in a responsible and humane way. Animals need more than love to survive and it is important to know this. Proper feeding and regular trips to the vet will keep your animal healthy and active for a long time.

Just remember that animals have feelings and need to be treated with compassion and respect. Whatever pet your have take care of them as if they were a member of the family and they will reward you with years of loyalty and love.

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