Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Your Local Animal Shelter

Animal Shelters across the country are facing cutbacks due to the tough economic times. Animal shelters are usually suffer because there is not strong public opinion backing the funding of shelters. This is where you as an animal lover must step up to the plate and speak for animals that are often abused and neglected. If you have never visited an animal shelter one trip will convince you of the need for these facilities and the constant struggles they must contend with regarding lack of funding and shortages of help at these shelters.

If you are an animal lover you know the situation in your community better than anyone and are well aware of the problems facing your local shelter. By becoming involved you can help alleviate the problems at you local animal shelter.
YOU CAN Make a big difference if you so choose and help out many animals in the process.

Education is the key in our battle to protect animals in out society. There are millions of unwanted cats and dogs around the country simply because people are unaware of how many cats and dogs can be produced by one female in a single year. Please if you have a pet have it spayed or neutered unless you really want little ones running around and you can afford to take care of the properly or have good homes picked out for them. Control of our pet population is one of the keys to reducing animal neglect.

Volunteering at your local animal shelter or supporting the shelter financially can make a big difference. Many times the workers at these shelters are overwhelmed and by volunteering even a couple of hours a week you can lighten the load that the workers are under. Plus the animals would probably enjoy seeing some new and friendly faces around. Especially yours:)

Financial help will always be appreciated. If you don't have any cash to give consider brainstorming with some fellow animal lovers. As a group you might be able to think of some fund raisers that could bring in hundreds if not thousands of dollars in support for your local animal shelter.

Whatever you decide to do at least do something. There is a great need to take care of those that bring us so much joy and happiness. Do your part. The animals will thank you.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

So Your Pet Has Fleas

Fleas and pets just naturally seem to go together. Some climates are more conducive to fleas (humid and hot) as well as seasons (summer and fall). It is best to take a preventative approach when dealing with fleas. If you have done everything possible to prevent you pet from getting fleas and still you find fleas on your pet or worse in your home then a course of treatment to rid your pet and home of fleas will be required.

To prevent fleas in the first place try to follow these rules of flea prevention:

*Remember the saying "you're known by the company you keep"? The same is true for your pet. It will be near impossible to keep your pet free from fleas if they are around other pets that are carriers of fleas.

*Keeping your home or the place where your pet lives clean will go along way in preventing fleas from invading your home. Vacuuming on a regular basis will make your home a unattractive place for fleas.

*Keep your yard clean and mow your grass on a regular basis especially near your home. Fleas have a much harder time gaining a foot hold in a sunny climate. Tall grass and leafy bushes are just what they are looking for.

If you have tried your best and still find yourself with a flea problem here are some treatment options you can use to get rid of fleas:

*Try the simple things first. Give your pet a bath if possible and use a comb that is specially designed to remove fleas from your pet.

*Your pets bedding is a prime place for flea infestation. Wash your pets bedding regularly.

*You might have to enlist the aid of flea powder or a flea collar for your pet.

*Talk to your veterinarian about other treatment options who might recommend a monthly pill or salve for control of fleas.

Unfortunately dealing with fleas is something most pet owners must contend with. Fortunately there are ways to prevent and control fleas. As animal and pet lovers we realize all the joy and meaning our little friends bring to our life. Controlling fleas on our pets and keep them happy and healthy is the least we can do for them.